How to Build the Perfect Home Office

The pandemic has forced people to change the way they work. As a result, there are now millions of Americans working from home, and while there are plenty of benefits that come with doing that, it can also be a bit of a challenge to create a space that is both comfortable and productive. So if you’re looking to build the perfect home office, here are a few things to keep in mind.


The first step is to find a dedicated space in your home that can be used solely for work. This dedicated space must be well-lit and spacious enough to hold your computer, desk, filing cabinet, etc. Ideally, it will have a door that can be shut during work hours to keep distractions at bay. Here are three locations in your home suitable for a work office:


You can always build an extra room in your backyard if you have the budget. This room can be used as a home office and will be separate from the rest of your home, allowing you to do work without being disturbed. However, you’ll need some of the best roofing since you’re more exposed to the elements. Consider contacting your local roof sheeting suppliers for affordable roofing options. They can recommend the best materials and deals on home office roofing.

If you don’t have the time or money to build a different structure in your backyard, then another option is to set up a desk under a gazebo outside. While it won’t be as private as an enclosed room, it will provide a nice shaded area for you to work in.


This is another ideal location for your home office if you have a finished basement. Not only can you easily add electrical outlets and lighting down here, but the basement is typically quieter than the rest of the house, allowing you to work undisturbed.

If you don’t have a finished basement but do have an unfinished one, it’s still possible to turn this space into a home office. You may need to add some extra insulation, and it may not be as quiet as your main living areas, but you’ll still be able to get work done.


Lastly, there’s the attic. This space is often overlooked, but it can work well for a home office and has the added benefit of being closer to the ceiling, which means you won’t need as much lighting as you would down on the ground floor. Just treat any musty odors in your attic before setting up shop here!

Working comfortably at home

Make it Comfortable

Once you’ve found the perfect spot for your home office, it’s time to make it your own. This means adding personal touches like family photos, plants, or anything else that makes you feel at home. You should also be sure to invest in ergonomic furniture:

Ergonomic Furniture

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious concern among Americans. However, if you don’t want to risk developing painful and debilitating symptoms, invest in ergonomically-designed furniture for your office. This includes a desk chair that supports your back and a monitor stand that helps to reduce eye strain.

Keep it Organized

A cluttered workspace can be incredibly distracting, so keeping your desk tidy and organized is essential. This doesn’t mean that your desk needs to be empty—a few well-chosen items can help boost your productivity—but it should be free of any clutter or distractions.

If you want to keep your workplace organized, consider adding tools like filing cabinets, bookcases, and desktop organizers. These can help you stay on top of your work and declutter your space simultaneously.


Use natural light by positioning your desk near a window if possible. If not, consider taking these options:

Task Lighting

If your desk is not near windows, you may want to invest in a good task lamp. Task lamps are designed to provide focused illumination on specific areas of your desk and can help reduce eye strain when working at your computer.

Ambient Lighting

For the rest of your office, use ambient lightings like table lamps or floor lamps for an overall soothing glow. This can help make your office feel more like a home and put you in a better mood when working.

Add Greenery

Studies have shown that having plants in your workspace can help improve concentration and productivity, so consider adding a few green friends to your office space. Not only will they liven up the room, but they’ll also help purify the air and boost your mood while you work.

Your home office is where you get things done, so creating an environment that facilitates productivity is crucial. With the right location and tools, you can set up an office that works for you and helps you achieve your goals.

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