Pointers for Increasing Retail Sales in Singapore

When the pandemic started last year, governments around the world implemented lockdowns that restricted the movement of their citizens. Similarly, Singapore entered a circuit breaker period where gatherings at home and public places among people who do not live together were banned.

The order was aimed at pre-empting the increase in infections in the city-state. But it also resulted in a 40 percent decline in retail sales compared to the year before. This was the biggest drop in nearly four decades.

While the situation has changed over a year after the pandemic started, retailers still have to work hard in increasing sales amid the threat of the delta variant of the virus. Here are some strategies that retailers can implement to increase sales amid the pandemic.

Establish the Sales Goals

Retailers should establish sales goals that their sales personnel should aim to reach. These goals should be consistent with the overall sales strategy of the business and aligns with its revenue goals. Similarly, the retailer should define its revenue goal since it sets the tone for the sales target of the business.

To work on these goals, the retailer should conduct market research to see if its market changed after a year into the pandemic. Retailers should remember that the circuit breaker periods compelled consumers to change their buying behaviors since they wanted to stay safe from the virus. The market research should also look into the goals of the consumers and their pain points.

Creating a buyer persona also allows retailers to see their target market’s wants, needs, and priorities. It allows them to fine-tune their goals and strategies in connecting with their market amid the pandemic.

Go to the Customers

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To succeed in increasing sales and revenue, retailers should connect with their customers. And the best way for retailers to connect with them is to go where they are, which is on the internet. The pandemic compelled people to stay home and use the internet for their needs. Due to this, retailers should also follow them and offer online shopping options for their customers. Connecting with them through the internet is among the best ways for retailers to reach their goals at this time.

Retailers can use online listings to increase and strengthen their online presence so their customers will discover them. They should use different digital marketing strategies to drive traffic to their websites so their customers can see the products and services they are offering.

They can also use online listings and marketplaces to showcase their products and services to their customers. Retailers can also use Google My Business (GMB) to connect with customers who live close to the physical location of their store.

The situation has also improved compared to the time when the pandemic first started over a year ago. With this, retailers can encourage their market to visit their brick-and-mortar stores. But they still need to keep themselves updated with the latest guidelines from the government to avoid issues in the future.

Develop a Brand Message

Retailers should also develop a brand message that creates value for their target market. Brand messaging demonstrates the unique value proposition of the retailer that sets them apart from their competitors. It encourages its customers to visit their store and buy their products.

The retailer should also ensure that its message is consistent with its brand, which means everything about the brand conveys the same message it wants to send to its customers. Being consistent builds the brand and promotes trust and loyalty among their customers.

Retailers should make sure the message explains its value proposition to its market. It should focus on the exact value that its products and services offer in the market. It should provide the benefits its customers can get if they patronize the products and services of the retailer.

Connect with Customers Through Social Media Platforms

Aside from the website and advertisements, retailers should also use their social medial accounts to connect with their customers. With many people using social media platforms, it’s only practical for retailers to use these platforms to connect with their customers.

Retailers have the option of using paid ads, or they can use their accounts to increase engagement with their customers. The social media platforms that feature a network that focuses on the customers are Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Among the three, Facebook is the best social media platform for businesses to reach their customers. But retailers may have to use paid ads since the social media platform started prioritizing content from the family and friends of the account owners.

Increasing sales can be challenging, but retailers can implement strategies to connect and engage their customers in Singapore.

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