5 Common Mistakes Every Small Business Owner Should Avoid

Starting up your own business can feel like a dream come true. You’ve finally gathered the funds to power your entrepreneurial idea, and you’re very eager to see how far you can bring your business. However, before you let excitement muddle your vision, it’s critical to sit back and assess whether you forget something. Chances are, you’ve overlooked a few aspects that can derail the success of your company. Let’s take a look at a few of these.

Not Having a Solid Business Plan

Plenty of young and inexperienced entrepreneurs make the mistake of jumping into a business without thorough planning. Some would argue that it’s their passion that’s driven them to action, while others would just say they couldn’t wait to start earning. Whatever the reason is, don’t make the same mistake. Not having a solid business plan, being reactive to every problem, and only thinking of solutions there and then instead of predicting and preventing risks are apparent signs of a business failing.

And just as the popular saying goes, “failing to prepare is preparing to fail,” a new business will outright fail without adequate planning. There has to be a strategy for each critical part of your business, from your marketing campaigns to your logistics system, employee management, and customer support. All it really takes is sitting down and pinpointing which ones are crucial and researching to improve or enhance your plans in those areas.

Thinking You Can Just Do Things Manually

Even as a one-man business, it’s still better to automate what you can instead of doing everything the old-fashioned way. You may think that writing memos, notes, and reminders on your notebook planner help you remember better, but that’s probably only true if you have just a handful of clients. As your business grows, you might have a hard time keeping track of things when they’re scattered through several pages and sticky notes on your desk.

Get yourself used to using digital tools and other forms of technology early on in your business. The future is now, and technology only keeps getting better at a pretty quick pace. Get into digital marketing, make an online presence, know what tools and software can help you and your business, and keep yourself updated on ways you can make your business run more efficiently.

Forgetting to Protect Confidential Information


As you get to know more about tech and digital tools, you must also understand the risks of using them. Having a client and company information database is something you would never want to be in the hands of the wrong people. Bolster your cybersecurity and train your employees to be vigilant against information and data theft.

A simple solution to this is to change passwords for all your accounts regularly. Ideally, you should have a dedicated IT or cybersecurity expert in charge of this. This is very important nowadays, as companies can be held responsible for data theft that jeopardizes their clients’ personal information.

Not Acquiring Business Permits and Licenses

You may have a great business idea and the capital to fund it, but your entrepreneurial dreams are more likely to stay as dreams if you don’t have the appropriate permits and licenses. Many aspiring entrepreneurs aren’t very prepared when it comes to the area of permits and licenses, leading to legal troubles during the start of their businesses.

To prevent legal troubles from occurring, take it upon yourself to complete all the necessary paperwork. You can also join professional organizations in your industry to be made aware of rules and regulations and other similarly essential matters. Once you’ve collected all the necessary paperwork, you’ll feel more confident that you’re running a law-abiding business.

Not Including Small Equipment in Your Budget

When talking about things that are easily overlooked, even budgets for small equipment are often overlooked. When running an office, small purchases can rack up a significant amount and unintentionally dig deep into your coffers. These could be purchases of reams of papers, printer ink, or even accumulated online subscriptions!

Be aware of every expense your company is making. Most expenses are unnecessary and can be written off. Even the small expenses can accumulate to a significant amount, and that’s why it’s crucial to monitor where your business’ money is going.

A business can only go as far as how well its owner manages it. Being aware that you might have overlooked something can save your business from a multitude of troubles. Always be critical of your own business, and you’ll always find something to improve.

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