Proudly American-made: What Makes American-made Products Special?

Manufacturing is the process of making a product out of raw materials. The concept isn’t new. However, the increase in efficiency and convenience has always been the goal for all manufacturing methods. To maintain the quality, premiums had to be added to the entire cost. It became a mathematical art form to manufacture so speedily and in significant quantities while still maintaining quality. Manufacturing standards and methods are different across the globe. However, the American product always stands out.

Ever since the dawn of mass manufacturing in the United States, the economy has boasted world-class products coming out of its factories. The history of the industrial revolution in the United States began almost simultaneously as in the European industrial revolution. Through coal and machine power, locomotives played a great part in boosting the speed wherein products are made. While nowhere near today’s standards, production in those first factories were the stuff of dreams at the time. It changed the way we looked at the world.

One must ask, however: what makes American-made products special? What makes it stand out among the rest? What makes American-made products truly one of a kind?

American Products Are Durable

One of the hallmark qualities of a “Made in the US of A” product is that it is very durable. Compared to other well-known mass manufacturing countries worldwide, American products are sought after for their durability and ability to withstand any stress tests. A propane tank from Hanson Tank is a gas vessel sought after even by military ships from other countries.

Ford cars are considered by most as the most durable and most reliable vehicles in the world, even after centuries of being in the industry. Their longevity in the industry speaks volumes on the quality and durability of the materials they use on their commodities. These companies brag century-old records each!

American Products Are Delicious

American-made products are well-known to be one of the best in the world. American culture is the hotpot of multiple cultures around the world. Local cuisine is heavily influenced by the commixing of different culinary philosophies. The end product is the delicious fusion of whatever the prominent food cultures are. The results have spilled over many other products. Vietnamese Sandwiches and California Maki Rolls are two of the most famous fusion cuisine proudly made in America. Their deliciousness has also contributed to the rise of obesity in Americans, sadly.

American Products Are Ingenious

American products are products made from the ingenuity and creativity of your everyday average Joe. Guitars are originally made in Spain. However, through American ingenuity, guitars are made better as a Gibson Guitar — one of the most iconic string instruments in memory. Electric cars are also a product of American ingenuity — the most famous one being California-borne Tesla cars. Electric vehicles are a smart way to slowly reduce the carbon footprint we leave the Earth.

In almost all kitchens around the world, KitchenAid mixers are present. Proudly American made, KitchenAid mixers are a product of the innovation of a food preparation tool. It has withstood the test of time — the product still thrives even after a hundred years.

American Products Are Trustworthy and Safe

An upside of American products is that it is guaranteed safe. American products have higher quality products because the government boasts higher standards when it comes to mass-produced objects. Aside from the higher labor standards imposed, manufacturing standards have also kept manufacturing companies on their toes. While not perfect, government regulations in the United States are notorious for being much stricter and punishing the companies when not followed.

Production can never make a single mistake lest they suffer product callbacks. These standards are recognized around the globe to be world-class. Because the products are trustworthy, they are deemed to be of import quality and are widely appreciated internationally.

American Products Are Inexpensive and Safe

Competitive pricing always comes with the tag “American-made Product.” Since many of these products are made locally, the cost of transport is still capped off at a certain amount. There are thousands upon thousands of factories and manufacturing hotspots in the United States. All are making high-quality products. While they are made inexpensive due to lower transportation costs, they are still of the highest quality than those made in other countries.

American Products Are Made with Love

American products are unique because they are made with love — they are made with such dedication and over the sweat, blood, and tears of millions of Americans every single day. They are exceptional because American products boast the liberty of living free. American-made products are the best in any field.

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