Tips for Speeding Up Post-Workout Muscle Recovery

Muscle soreness right after a good exercise means that your body is getting conditioned to become stronger. When you engage in strenuous physical activity, the stress on your muscles causes it to break down fibers. These fibers will repair themselves during the recovery period to become much stronger and larger than before.

An intense workout calls for an intense recovery period. It takes several days to fully recuperate, but there are some things you can do to speed up muscle recovery. Here are several tips to maximise your post-workout recovery period:


Hydrotherapy utilises water as a means of treatment and pain relief. It involves exposing the body to both cold and hot water. This type of therapy can hasten muscle recovery by improving blood circulation and easing stress on joints. You can experience hydrotherapy from the comfort of your own home by alternating between cold and hot water in the shower or for a more intensive treatment, you can consider investing in bullfrog indoor spas. Bullfrog hot tubs can provide instant relief whenever you need it.

Drink plenty of fluids

Adequate hydration before, during, and after an intensive workout is necessary to avoid muscle damage, muscle fatigue, and injury. It’s recommended that you be proactive about your hydration, and you shouldn’t be drinking water only when you’re thirsty. Drinking plenty of fluids can reduce the risk of ruptures, tears, and other injuries and ensures that you’ll feel much more energized while working out.

Consume lots of protein


Don’t forget to load up your diet with plenty of protein. Protein has essential amino acids that help build up your muscles as well as reduce muscle soreness. A protein shake before or after your workout is great, but adding natural protein to your diet is ideal. Protein comes from whole foods like cottage cheeks, broccoli, lean meat, eggs, Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese.

Sleep well

When you sleep, your brain releases hormones that encourage cell and tissue growth which repairs muscles and blood vessels. Therefore, it’s necessary that you get an ample amount of sleep before and after your workout to expedite the recovery process. Adults need at least seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night to function optimally. You can even sneak in short power naps in between your workday too.

Block out an adequate rest period

You should block out at least 48 hours between intense workouts to allow your muscles to properly recover. On these rest days, you can stretch and take a light walk to help speed up the recovery process, but avoid any strenuous activities. If you don’t want to break your routine, you can schedule an active recovery day instead. This involves sprinkling in some light exercises throughout your days such as tai chi, brisk walking, or yoga.

Smooth out your muscles

Your muscles often feel sore due to the fascia (the connective tissue in your body) getting knotted. This condition is also called a myofascial adhesion. You can loosen the tension in these areas and hasten muscle recovery by rolling it out with a foam roller. A relaxing massage is also a great way to alleviate soreness and aid in muscle repair.

Make the most out of your rest days and speed up your muscle’s recovery process with these helpful tips.

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