Utah Recommends Staying at Home for Now: Here’s How Utahns Can Adapt Fast

The coronavirus epidemic has officially settled down in Utah. As of April 6, 2020, the state already reported over 1,600 cases. To help curb the spread, the government strongly advises residents to practice social distancing and stay at home.

Since nobody knows how long these measures should stay, it’s best if Utahns prep well for hunkering down. Here are some ideas:

  1. Get the Cleaning Materials Ready

The saying “cleanliness is next to godliness” has never been truer than today. It can help save lives. Homes can keep their areas clean by:

Vacuuming dirt and dander as often as possible (if it’s not working correctly, now is the right time to bring it to a vacuum repair shop in Salt Lake City. These types of particles can carry pathogens even if they’re not the novel coronavirus.

Disinfecting high-traffic areas and commonly touched surfaces. These include doorknobs and handles, faucets, and tables. Commercially sold cleaners with at least 60% of alcohol will already do.

Creating disinfection areas and providing soaps at all times

Investing in gloves, which they can use during cleaning

Mopping the floors with bleach

  1. Prepare the Home Office

Staying at home these days doesn’t mean a vacation. States encourage offices and businesses to consider work-from-home arrangements. To prepare the house for this, employees can:

Designate a workspace. Depending on the need, it can be a small spot in the kitchen island or a temporary home office complete with a desk and chair.

Check their Internet connection. It should be reliable during video conferencing, webinars, and other virtual meetings.

Buy the needed supplies. These may include papers, pens, and even printers. Some businesses may choose to let their workers borrow these for the meantime.

Productivity can be a significant issue for those working from home. Distractions, from children to Netflix, are abundant. To maintain it, employees may pick a workstation or home office that is far from these temptations. They may follow a fixed work schedule or get support and cooperation from the family members.

  1. Grab the Groceries

The more a person spends time outdoors, the higher is the chance to contract the virus. To avoid this, Utah families may need to plan their trips accordingly. One of these is when to do groceries.

Families may already buy groceries that are enough for two to three weeks. They can do this by purchasing specific items by bulk. These include beans, grains, and hardy vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and potatoes. They can also stockpile on non-food items like dishwashing liquids, soaps, and alcohol. (Note, though, that it’s not ideal to hoard.)

Preliminary studies show that the virus may stay on plastic for many days. To lessen the risk, shoppers may use reusable bags. They can dump cloth-type ones into the washing machine as soon as they arrive.

  1. Plan Indoor Family Activities


One of the biggest challenges during this period is boredom. It can make children antsy and prone to tantrums. It may increase the urge to eat just to have something to do. Boredom can also increase feelings of irritability and restlessness.

Utahns can cope better with the changes—and boredom—by planning activities everyone can do. For example, they may have a Netflix party every Friday or a pizza night on a Saturday. For those with spacious yards, they can have outdoor camping during weekends. The Internet has dozens of apps and websites that offer free resources to keep everyone busy.

No one knows for sure when the pandemic will end. What is certain is people’s level of preparedness. For those in Utah, they can adapt more quickly using these ideas.

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