Get Your Kids Out in the Garden for Some Safe Fun in the Sun During Lockdown

The state of Minnesota is one of those states that still allow outdoor activities such as biking, hiking, running, walking the dog, fishing, pretty much any outdoor activity. The only thing is, these cannot be done in groups unless it’s with members of your household. Social distancing should still be observed.

Initially, MN governor Tim Walz asked Minnesotans to stay home until April 10 but decided to extend the lockdown period to May 4. However, the governor also stressed the importance of fresh air and sunlight to one’s health despite the stay-at-home order which is why certain outdoor activities are allowed in the state.

If you are unsure of letting your children go to the park for an hour of playtime and running around, the next best thing is to let them enjoy some time out in your front lawn or backyard.

5 Fun and Safe Garden and Outdoor Activities for Your Children to Do Despite the Lockdown

1. Set up an outdoor play area.

Children should never be deprived of playtime, especially during this quarantine and isolation season. Playtime is as important to them as work is to adults. When we say playtime, we don’t mean playing video games on their devices and gadgets. We mean actual physical play.

Help them set up an area in your garden where they can run, build, tinker, explore, and pretend-play. You can start with just a table set-up and gradually add on to it. The important thing is you get your children involved in the process.

2. Plant a garden.

While landscaping services in Minneapolis has still fully resumed their operations, you can ask your children to help you maintain your garden. Gardening offers a lot of benefits to your health and surroundings. Teaching your kids about gardening allows them to see, understand, and appreciate nature and what it does for us.

plant in a can

3. Work on biology lessons.

What makes homeschooling a lot of fun is all the creativity that stems from it. The unconventional set-up gives it plenty of room for experimentation and implementation of new ideas.

Why don’t you try holding a few lessons outdoors? Biology lessons are perfect in a garden setting, especially when you’re discussing ecosystems, nature, and other plant and animal life.

4. Bug hunt!

Since we’re on the topic of biology, spending a few minutes outdoors and exploring the different sections in your backyard will be more fun if you take your children out on a bug hunt.

You can prepare for this by researching different types of common bugs found in your garden. Print out a list of bugs and other creepy-crawlies for each child to look for. The one who ticks the most number of bugs off their list wins.

Additionally, you could ask them to draw the different types of bugs they saw. You can even get them involved in making a DIY bug hotel to house our six- and eight-legged friends.

5. Exercise!

Perhaps one of the best ways to spend time outdoors is to exercise and keep fit. Now more than ever, your health is important. Exercising with your children in the garden every morning allows them to take in their daily dose of vitamin D, get enough fresh air to fill their lungs, and improve their physical strength. Hopefully, with this, you can help them build a healthy habit that they will keep as they grow older.

As you and your kids enjoy your fun in the sun, always keep in mind to still follow the preventive measures set by the government and health experts.

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