Medical Office Building Construction: What Are the Best Practices?

The construction of medical office buildings is similar to hospitals but on a smaller scale. The design factors all the rooms you find in hospitals: a pharmacy, consultation offices, social services, and an emergency room. The only thing the design lacks is the consideration for hospital beds.

Medical office buildings house a diversity of facilities. Fort Wayne contractors and builders design such buildings in a way that they support both the patients and their staff. All medical buildings must also be convenient and accessible to everyone. To ensure that each medical building serves its purpose (and more), following the best building practices helps.

Updated Design

Navigation, clinic access, consulting rooms, and examination rooms are important considerations during the construction of a medical office building. The building should be easy to navigate for patients and staff. For example, make sure that the building has enough wheelchair-friendly areas and ramps.

Consider the multicultural community as well. Add translations in symbols and languages to your signs so that everyone is aware of the directions and rooms.

Since the building is also a place of healing, include amenities that promote positivity. It could be a quiet garden where patients can meditate or rest on their own or a quiet recreation center. Doing so enables patients and their families to experience relaxation within the facility.


hospital emergency roomA majority of healthcare facilities are becoming more digital, which is an important consideration when planning the construction of your medical office building. Your facility should be up-to-date technology-wise to gain a better understanding of your patients’ conditions, as well as to improve on your service process.

By focusing on the technological requirements, the facility should be ready to accommodate a variety of treatment and diagnostic options. These include appointment services, self-service check-in kiosks, patient tracking systems, and occupancy sensors for examination rooms.

Also, by implementing digital practices, you can improve communication between the patient and the medical staff. Promoting constant communication between the two parties reduces their stress and offers peace of mind.


Traditional medical spaces usually have simple and basic designs, which are more affordable. While some facilities prefer to remain traditional with their design, a growing number of medical buildings require more complex structures to accommodate more services in one building.

X-rays, dental clinics, laboratories, and pharmacies require different layouts and requirements for spaces. This means that the building should be constructed in a way that it can allow for all of these operations.

Accessible Location

Location is another important consideration when designing and building a medical office. Hospitals shouldn’t be too far away from residents to avoid affecting elderly patients, patients with disabilities, and patients who do not have the means to travel far.

Medical office buildings are designed to meet patients regularly; it’s important that the location is in a well-populated area. Apart from attracting the attention of local residents, it also promotes accessibility to struggling patients.

Medical office buildings are valuable extensions of local hospitals. Design and construction are essential to ensuring that the establishment fulfills its function well. It is essential to partner with construction companies during the planning and design processes to meet building requirements.

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