Understanding How the Future of Memorials Will Look

Technology has a significant impact on our daily lives. Whether it’s through automation, helping us connect with someone hundreds of miles away, or merely making it easier to work and produce goods, there are near-limitless ways that technology has made our lives even more convenient.

In pop culture, more specifically in science fiction movies and books, technology has been depicted as having a far-reaching effect on different facets of society. But technological innovations that we have now are far from science fiction and more grounded on practical reality. This is especially true for manufacturing and industrial companies that use automated electronic equipment that can help cut down on energy, effort, and time.

However, certain industries don’t necessarily need to rely on technological innovation when it comes to daily business operations. The funeral industry has been around for centuries and has been using the same mode of operations. Of course, technology will still play a role in managing such business.

So what does the future of the funeral industry look like? What are some key innovations in the industry? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

How Has Technology Influenced the Funeral Industry?

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that innovations have accelerated many aspects of different industries. Every day, hundreds of companies are competing for the same target market, which can be difficult for companies that are more inclined in traditional services to keep up.

Through the past few centuries, memorial services were focused on just one thing: keeping memorials and their facilities in good condition. This meant dealing with various sturdy construction materials, such as granite and headstones, through manual labor. Normally, it can take hours just for workers to chisel a few lines of text and sentences into these stones. But much of the slowness of chiseling out these texts were attributed to precision and quality that many clients and customers expect from artisans.

Fortunately, recent innovations in automation have made it easier for the funeral industry to chisel and producing memorials and headstones. Compared to humans who have to rely on years of experience in perfecting a certain craft, machines leave little to no margin for error, making automation a great way of cutting down on time and energy when producing these headstones. Innovations like state-of-the-art laser engravers for granite memorials can help the funeral industry become more productive by taking fewer hours to chisel gravestones.

Is Black Granite the Future?

Typically, gravestones and memorials are designed to last for decades, especially when most headstones and memorials are situated outdoors and exposed to natural elements. Although many construction materials are durable, most will also have a lifespan and progressively deteriorate if not well-maintained.

Fortunately, the funeral industry has found one of the best materials for headstones: black granite. Not only is this readily available from a variety of manufacturers, but it’s also known for being cost-effective and durable. Not to mention, it’s a great candidate from laser engraving, which can expedite producing headstones.

Digital Storytelling

Every person has a story to tell, but not everybody can tell their stories while they’re still alive. Almost all graves will have a brief history of an individual’s life experiences and the story they have to tell. But the story can be quite brief, especially when most gravestones and memorials won’t have all the space to tell the story. What’s a way of circumventing this problem? Most would say using QR codes strikers can help have a more in-depth way of telling a story.

Since the past few years, QR codes have been used by establishments, mobile applications, and businesses to streamline the process and make any process more convenient for individuals. Normally, QR codes and RFID tags are used to redirect someone to an individual site or show them content through their mobile devices. In fact, a company is known for selling tombstones with RFID tags to make the storytelling experience even better.

Although most businesses will need to be aware that not everyone will be able to use these QR codes, there should be a balance between traditional inscriptions and digital storytelling.

Still, it’s quite apparent that using technology can help future generations to connect with their ancestors and know the story of recently deceased family members.

Although it might seem like the funeral industry has been “left behind” by other businesses and enterprises that are more focused on technological advancement, this industry is still enjoying a variety of innovations. Whether it’s new materials that can stand the test of time, automated laser equipment that can minimize human error, or digital storytelling through RFID tags, the potential of technology for the funeral industry is near limitless.

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